Gooday! Hello, my name is Ola, and I’m here today to briefly explain some of the benefits of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). There is nothing wrong with writing programming languages in a procedural way, however, most developers prefer OOP because it has several advantages.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a software design language paradigm that revolves around functional objects or data rather than logic and functions; it focuses on what developers want to manipulate rather than how they want to use them. This strategy entails An object can be any physical entity, such as a human being, that is large, complicated, and actively updated or maintained. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is founded on four fundamental principles: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.

In this essay, I will look at some of the benefits of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), with some of the benefits highlighted below:

  • Easy, efficient, and compact codingIt is easy for another programmer to write code less code, this means with OOP, you do more with less,
  • Code written in OOP can be easily extended with the new requirements. One of the most essential aspects of OOP is that we may continually add new feature requests. We can quickly modify or add new requirements as we see fit. This indicates that we can quickly modify existing codes.
  • Better control and security of data and member functions. We have the notion of access modification in OOP, such as public, protected, and private, which allows us to safeguard our codes and restrict specific parts of our codes. We will be able to limit access to unauthorized users as a result of this.
  • Errors can be detected and handled efficiently In OOP, error detection is easier compare to other methods. OOP is efficient in detecting errors easily.
  • Support for best coding practice Our approach to writing code improves thanks to OOP.
  • Easily separates code specification and implementation We construct programs in OOP utilizing class principles, creating separate sections for our requirements specifications and functions, making it easier to trace our codes and gain a better grasp of our codes. Because of OOP, this is possible.
  • The same code can be used in multiple projects if reusability gets improved.  One of the reasons for utilizing OOP is reusability; rather than writing the same code several times, we reuse the existing codes in OOP; the fewer lines of code, the better the application’s speed.
  • Performance gets improved.  When our codes are concise and exact, our application’s performance improves. When it comes to application performance, OOP is the best.
  • Easily maintains the code Object Oriented Programming OOP codes are constructed in such a way that if we need to make any changes at any point in time, the programs in OOP are simple to alter and maintain.
  • Provides a better way of representing the code Object Oriented Programming represents code in the form of classes, making it easier for programmers to read and understand.
  • Programmers can easily understand the code Code wring in Object Oriented Programming OOP is simple for programmers to grasp, because programs in OOP are always properly organized.
  • Provide better conceptualization and modeling using real-world objects.In Object Oriented Programming, we use real-world objects to help in conceptualizing the problem and understanding it better.
    Object Oriented Programming is extensively used in most technology-based organizations since it simplifies labor and reduces developer stress when working on a dynamic project.
    We have explored some of the benefits of Object Oriented Programming in this tutorial, which indicates that Object Oriented Programming eliminates DRY, which simply means you should not repeat yourself. Object Oriented Programming is very good at code reusability, it is very efficient, it is easy to comprehend and debug, and it is simple to add additional functionalities depending on client demands. Some programming languages, such as PHP, allow you to write procedural code, but Object Oriented Programming is widely recommended for large projects due to its scalability.