“Hmmm, why do some things happen though….. Only CHILD ??”-Celebrity photographer Wildshot dies in motor accident a day to his birthday

Renowned celebrity photographer based in Port Harcourt, Michael Nwagugbo, popularly known as Wildshot, has died in a lone car accident in the Wimpe area of Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State.

According to reports, Michael was said to have rammed into a building while trying to overtake a trailer at about 9pm on Friday, December 8.

The deceased was reportedly at a popular gymnastics centre in Port Harcourt when his mother in the Rumuola area called him to complain that some suspected cultists were shooting around her residence.

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The photographer, who is the only child of her mother, was said to have abandoned his activities at the gym, hopped into his car and rushed to the area to save his mother.

Michael had a fatal accident while overtaking a trailer but lost control of his car. He rammed into a building and sustained serious injuries.

He was immediately rushed to two different hospitals but was rejected. He was then pronounced dead after being taken to Save a life hospital.

Michael, who was among the few Photographers that redefined photography in Port Harcourt, died a day to his birthday.

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Checkout the post below:

The post triggered massive reactions as commenters expressed their condolences. Some reactions are shown below:

seanvibesofficial said, “God e get pple their car damage pass like this they still come out alive please God me and my family and friends won’t be a victim of such circumstances”.

jnrpope said, “😢😢😢 why do some things happen though….. Only CHILD ??”

akor_preciouss said, “Forget him trying to overtake a trailer, isn’t it inhumane for hospitals to reject someone who is in a critical condition? Like why?”

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ifeoma_janechris said, “His mum would probably never forgive herself 😢.. Rip champ”.