How To Make Money Offline In Nigeria

How To Make Money Offline In Nigeria

Everyone is now fully immersed in the digital world, ignoring the notion that they can make money offline, but the truth is that there are still some lucrative ways to generate money in Nigeria that do not require stealing.

Making money offline does not imply that you are abandoning the internet world entirely. You will be harnessing the internet environment to make money offline and boost sales.

The only difference between you and individuals who make money offline is that they are full-time online earners who do not need to make physical contact with the customer or employee before conducting transactions.

On the other hand, you will be earning money offline and maybe utilizing the digital world, which means you will need to make physical contact with your customers, but the digital realm may function as a means of generating sales.

Hello, my name is Benjamin and I am the creator and main instructor of one of the best and fastest growing freelancing brands in the world. In this article, you will discover in full how to make money offline as a Nigerian.

In addition, I will walk you through specific activities that you should do in order to produce more sales as an offline income.

We recall that you do the majority of your transactions offline, but you will undoubtedly require the digital scope in order to increase sales.

Enough already, let’s go over how you can make money lawfully in Nigeria.


Nigerian ways to generate money offline

How to Become a Realtor

Starting an import and export business

Animal rearing

Selling electronic devices

Soap production

I have more than 5 things you can do to get money offline, but I want to be specific with you. That is why this entire project is so profitable.

What will I be talking about under them? I’ll explain what these businesses are all about, how to start small and win large, and what hurdles you’ll face.

Most blogs you find online will not tell you whether you have any hurdles ahead of you; they just want everything to look like a ready-made wealth, which it is not.

I hope I’m not scaring you away; these obstacles are nothing to be concerned about, and I’ll explain how you can overcome them. You just need a lot of illumination to keep the light on!

Profitable offline business in Nigeria


Realtors are in charge of selling, leasing, and lending houses.

This is one of the most profitable offline businesses available, but it does demand a significant amount of capital to succeed.

But there is one method I will share with you that I learned from a senior colleague: he began his real estate firm on a small scale.

To begin with, he understands what it takes to become a good realtor; you must have money to begin real estate if you want to grow quickly.


But that is exactly what he did; he began by serving as an agent for tiny hostels primarily occupied by students. He grew and established himself gradually.

He is now doing great…

The obstacles you may experience as a housing agent include becoming irritated in finding people who will appreciate the house you are taking them to, as well as increasing (working as an agent for student hostels).

Your production will undoubtedly fluctuate; if you are a hostel agent for Lagos State University, you can anticipate obtaining students who will rent housing every month, with the exception of when they return to school.

Starting an import and export business

This takes a lot of time; I tried it once but dropped out because I was a student at the time and needed time to focus on my studies. However, I may opt in shortly.

Importation and exportation are the processes of bringing things from other countries, such as China, and selling them in Nigeria. You buy items from China and sell them in Nigeria because they are inexpensive.

If you want to learn more about this way of producing money, you should look into importation and exportation. You can leave a remark on this post, which will prompt me to create similar stuff. As a result, we will just discuss the importing and exportation business; it will be a complete guide for starting up.

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Animal rearing

Livestock has always been profitable due to its productivity; this is a business that does not require much capital to get started.

Start with 5-10 animals and purchase a small pen to house them in, make sure you feed them correctly, and now watch how your business grows.

Most individuals will not teach you how to make this business pay you, that is, how to sell these livestock. It is an offline business, but in order to create large sales, you will need to use the digital realm.

To optimize your sales, you will need a website. Depending on the individual designing the website and the host he or she is using, an ordinary website may cost between $15,000 and $20,000.

If you don’t have the funds to build a website, you may always pay someone to run effective advertisements for you. Please contact me if you need a website or an advertisement designed.

Soap production

You will get the most out of this because soap is a must; all you need to do is attend the class and set things up with a small amount.

It is not necessary to operate a large soap-making enterprise before becoming a soap maker; you can begin in your region of residence and always leave opportunity for progress.