Before I go into how you may promote yourself as a website designer, I’d want to share some of the secrets of a successful website designer. Don’t just copy and paste as a professional website designer. Try to learn in a professional manner if you want to be hired by reputed companies. Website design is not limited to individuals who study computer science or anything linked to computers. The only things that matter are your interest, time, money, and dedication; if these prerequisites are met, you are ready to begin!

Some methods for marketing oneself as a website designer

Create a basic portfolio website.

As a website designer, you must have a basic portfolio website. This portfolio website can be a single page or a dynamic website. Your portfolio website should include all major/important projects on which you have worked. It must include a brief description of yourself and your interests. For your visitors, your portfolio website should be straightforward, concise, and simple to navigate.

People can contact you, learn more about you, and check your customers’ feedback on previous projects on your portfolio website. You can host your portfolio website using some of the free hosting packages available, or you can choose to put it on a premium hosting plan.

Some free hosting options include: heroku, 000webhostapp, github, and so on. Having a portfolio website can demonstrate your professionalism and will also help you gain more business. If you want to work online as a freelancer, you will need a portfolio website because your potential clients will want to see what you have previously worked on.


Have a GitHub repository

As a website designer, you should have an active github repository for all of your projects. This repository should have all of your project’s files as well as the revision history for each file. Within the repository, you can discuss and manage the work of your project. Most website designers have no idea how github works; their only goal is to develop websites for clients. This is incorrect!You must understand how github works, how to commit your project to github, how to build a repository, and how to host your website on github; more information about github will be discussed in detail in the following volume of this post.

As a website designer, you must understand how to acquire solutions on github. There are numerous repositories on github that you may use to get something fantastic done. When you understand how to use Github and how to use the tools accessible on it, it will make your life easier.

Have a standard curriculum vitae

As a developer, you must have a typical Curriculum Vitae that includes your academic history, personal information, and key works/projects that you have completed. This should contain your professional background, management experience, and so forth. Having a standard Curriculum Vitae will allow you to apply for large companies and serve as a stepping stone for you.

You may believe that as a website designer, you do not require a CV. This is incorrect; most employers do want a CV, which provides them with crucial information about you before you interview. Having a standard and well-structured CV might assist you in landing your ideal job.


Do Social Media Ads Work?

You can design a banner for social media ads as a professional website designer who understands the concepts/methods/steps and guidelines for developing a standard and professional website. Social media will help you showcase your talents to your targeted clientele. Social media advertising is incredibly effective, and the cost varies depending on the social media site. Your banner for social media advertisements should not be complicated, it should be simple and precise, and it should not be wordy. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn help companies, business owners, and young entrepreneurs advertise their products and services. When it comes to Facebook ads, there are terms and conditions that must be met before you can run ads on Facebook.

The cost of Facebook ads is determined by a variety of factors, including geography, the amount of people you want to contact, and so on. In the following volume of this essay, we will go into greater detail about social media advertisements.

Join the Developers’ Community

Working with a group of developers, i.e. in a community, is one of the most essential ways for you to simply advertise yourself as a website designer. When you join a developer community, it is quite easy to learn, advertise yourself, and so on. You can apply for many code challenges, for example.

Be creative.

As a website designer, you must be innovative and pay attention to details. You must also think of unique ideas for yourself. There are many ideas that can earn you money, such as creating a website and participating in an online ad serving network, or joining an online affiliate marketing program.


Contact well-known companies.

Because you already have a standard CV, a standard portfolio website, and an active github account. You can contact organizations, IT firms, schools, and startups by sending an email to their official email address and waiting for a response. Statistics reveal that most organizations will not respond to your message, but 3% will. Message them and try your luck.


To summarize, there are numerous myths about being a website designer and knowing how to copy codes online. You should have no trouble selling yourself as a skilled website designer with experience in building dynamic websites. Many businesses are looking for competent website designers on a daily basis. If you have abilities and are proud of yourself, there are numerous chances available to you. Don’t just copy and paste online; instead, attempt to learn in a traditional manner. If you have what it takes to work in a company, they will undoubtedly hire you. Programming or website design is not confined to any industry; the only thing that matters most is interest.

Take your time to learn in a standard manner, gain experience with a variety of projects, participate in group work/projects, and learn about standard software development procedures such as feasibility studies, software planning, analysis, design, and deployment, among others.