One of the key reasons certain firms have been more successful than others is due to top-secret information that business owners are not privy to. In this context, I will be sharing with you the secret behind the most successful business you may have seen or studied.

I’ve been running a profitable business since 2015, and my team and I are still working hard to push the brands to the next level this year. But what if I told you that this information is a trade secret obtained from one of the world’s top salespeople, Dan Lok?

These remarks may not have the same impact coming from me, but now you know it was the brainchild of geniuses such as Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Akin Alabi.

The Secret to a Successful Business

You must have a strategy for producing something of genuine worth.

This is why, before starting any business, the ideal question to ask oneself is “what are the problems I can solve?” This will undoubtedly provide value to your company’s customers.

I was watching a YouTube video about how a 10-year-old American girl invented a baby spoon. She identified a problem, which was babies throwing their spoons aside, so she designed a fancy spoon. This spoon is so appealing that a baby will want to hold it all day.

What if he or she decides to throw it away? According to her explanation, there is another mechanism to counteract that, a thick rubber material that comes with the spoon, which will be tied around the baby’s neck.


So, when he or she drops the spoon, it will not contact the ground, and a problem will be solved in the process.

So, when you establish a business, make sure it will serve as a long-term answer.

If your company does not solve an issue or add value to your clients, they will not return after the first transaction.

You must be enthusiastic about what you intend to do.

Successful business owners are always passionate about what they manage, so if you plan to start a business that you aren’t passionate about, my darling, you should take a break first.

Make sure you are passionate about what you are doing; it will keep you going even when things get difficult. Although I have seen some young entrepreneurs establish a business not because they are passionate about it, some don’t care about the business they are operating and are doing well.

The main reason I will encourage you to be enthusiastic about what you are starting is because when problems emerge, your passion will keep you going. If you are not passionate about what you are driving into the labor market, you will quickly give up on a potential firm.

I am not disputing that you must examine the profitability of a business before starting it, but how passionate you are about the business is critical.

You may elect to form a group.

This is not required, but I prefer working in groups.

When I used teamwork to boost the output of my blogs, I discovered how effective it can be.


It is so simple that you can manage your own business, and I know this since I did it before launching several of my fast-growing brands.

The benefits of working as a team cannot be overstated; you tend to achieve your goals faster; two brains are better than one, they say; working as a team generates innovations; diverse creative ideas from a team member can be combined to produce something spectacular.

You must be a competent executor.

This is another crucial quality to look for in successful organizations; the boards that run them are competent executors.

If a firm is having challenges with execution, it will never be successful since executing your idea well is one strategy that will provide you an advantage and flourish your product.

I recall reading books and feeling so prepared to launch that I launched multiple enterprises with bad execution, and what do you expect? It was a stumbling block in the market.

So, if you’re reading entrepreneurship books, I recommend you also read books that will help you put your plans into action; a fantastic prescription is “small business big money” by Akin Alabi.

You must stick to what you’ve started.

Being consistent with what you do is like gasoline; image your firm as a generator, and consistency as the fuel; when the fuel runs out, the generator shuts down.

This, I believe, is an excellent example that will help you see what consistency looks like and how vital it is to your organization. It’s like a human without oxygen; he or she will suffocate.


Break that particular assignment into chunks if you want to be consistent in your actions. For example, if you run a blog and your goal is to publish 96 articles in a year, that is a large job dude! You won’t know how successfully you can attain your aim unless you simplify it.

Follow the 80-20 business guidelines.

I call it the 80-20 rule of business because it is easy to remember: this is the expense margin between production and advertising.

For your business to thrive, you must understand that 20% of your cash should go toward the manufacture of the things you are selling and 80% should go toward publicity.

If you are giving services to people, it still works that way: 20% of your time should be dedicated to providing a satisfactory service, while the remaining 80% should be dedicated to raising awareness.

This is one secret that many people are unaware of, and based on my study, the majority of business owners do not want to spend money on product/service awareness, preferring to spend it on cheap advertisements if at all.

It is now up to you to seize the bull by the horns; you must devote more time to mindfulness.


Prayer is also effective; pray in a language that God understands and work alongside praying.