What if you find a job and stop becoming a liability to your loved ones?

Being financially independent is one of the nicest things that has ever occurred to me, however, it took several years for me to achieve this (working on my own without any supervisor dictating me).

But that is not the case here, my friend; the major objective for this content is to ensure you have something to do that will put food on your table; if you truly need a job, you know you have to approach it like a game of chess.

The reality is that there is a tiny vacancy and these vacancies are generally targeted for individuals who know someone, but never mind, you can also acquire jobs for yourself if you follow it technically.

If this is your first work, you should be aware that first jobs are always a gratifying experience; the way your first job goes will have a significant impact on your life, either positively or negatively.

I wasn’t completely aware until I received my first content work; my first customer paid me very little, and since then my approach about content jobs has been to charge very little; I’m not saying you should charge irrelevantly, but you should at least get to the norm.

We both know that producing money is vital, but making enough money is even more crucial.

What is the significance of your first job contract?

Aside from the rewarding mentality, your first job gives you experience, despite the fact that some employers would require three years of work experience or more.

This is where the deal is; you won’t receive any experience unless you start working somewhere, and if you want to get experience faster, you should launch your first job opportunity as soon as possible.

Some will tell you that the people you meet at your workplace are more significant than the money you earn. While this may be true in terms of networking, you and I both know that money is more vital.

Never underestimate the impact of those new faces you’ll be meeting at work; you share ideas and things in common, you learn, and here comes life and experience.


It will also expose you to various types of clients, who will tell you that you may own your own firm in a few years, and this will be a bonus for you if you understand how customer relations operate.

Where should you begin your job search?

Make a career objective.

This is the first thing you must consider; you cannot work until you have a specialty, thus the issue is, what are you good at or what do you want to do?

You don’t need a schooling certificate to consider this; if you are a medical doctor by university credential and don’t have a job, all you need to do is ask yourself what you enjoy doing other than being a doctor.

You can obtain a course and study; some course creators provide a certificate to demonstrate that you are certified for the course and can be trusted for what you have learned. Once you’ve established a career for yourself, almost everything is settled.

But, before I forget, be sure there is a large demand for the vocation you are attempting to carve out for yourself. It won’t be amusing if you spend 6 months learning a program and are unable to get work.

Another is to verify the legitimacy of its lucrativeness; it must also be capable of providing more than a share of meals on your table.

Conduct research on firms in your industry.

After deciding on a professional path, you should begin making a list of firms with whom you would like to work; however, you should not do so unless you have a thorough understanding of the company.

You must have a firm understanding of how the company began; it is for your benefit; how would it be when you start working in a company that delays your salary, it will be a frustrated man?

The company’s protocol must also be appealing; these are frequent things that, if they go wrong, will result in a terrible experience with the organization.

Make certain that you do not add a company unless you have confirmed what you have heard about them. Some may state that company pays well, but have you studied how it is done there, their shifting method if they run on shift, and other factors?

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I’ve seen folks work for a company for one month, then collect their salary and declare they’ll never work there again, so play your cards right, friend.

Check to see if there is a vacancy.

When listing these firms, be certain that there will be openings; otherwise, you will be spending your time studying a company that will not hire you.

Although a superior strategy to battle job vacancies is to ensure that your career is highly relevant in the majority of organizations out there, there must be a reason you give them the reason they need you and not other distinct career owners.

This is not a beef thing; it is a technical game that puts your specialization ahead of other niches in terms of work opportunities. Also, make sure you have what it takes to convince them that you are the best person for the job, because I am sure you are aware that there are other people in the same industry as you.

Take your time when creating your CV and cover letter.

Take your time writing your resume and cover letter; this is one of the best ways to wow the gods; a nice and appealing resume is one of those things you don’t know about that may give you a consideration to come for the interview.

You will undoubtedly be contacted for an interview if your CV and cover letter both have the qualities they seek in an employee. All you have to do is try to remain calm and intelligent while answering your questions.

Maintain an eye on the jobs/companies and keep in touch with them.

You should keep an eye on the company after the interview; one of the greatest ways I accomplish this is by having someone who can feed me back; by doing so, I will know my stance practically instantly.

This is how I do it: after a job interview, I attempt to get as close to the receptionist or one of the nice staff members as possible, collect his or her contact information, and then follow up; this allows me to easily track the company’s movement in terms of employment and job vacancies.

Create a credible brand for your company.

This is another aspect of finding a job, but because of certain factors, you are more likely to get or not get a job, so why not work on your brand?


Create a brand and work towards its perfection or improvement; by doing so, you can also earn a job, albeit a more convenient one.

The extra work you must do is to go the extra mile; once you have acquired a talent, the next step is to take other courses dealing with business administration; remember, you are the owner of your firm, and you must conduct it professionally.

Make in touch with your contact.

Tell your friend what you’re doing; you may be thinking, “I’m sure most of my friends aren’t interested in my progress,” but it doesn’t matter right now; the point is, have you done your part? They are one of the first people you should notify before spending money on advertisements or other forms of marketing your firm.

If you’re in the appropriate circle of friends, you’ll be shocked at how eager they are to help you, so do your bit and connect with them first.

You can also network on Facebook and with long-distance pals you don’t know well; I got my first job ever on Facebook, so who knows, you might get yours there as well.

You can use a job search website and an app to find work.

Facebook is one of the most useful sites I’ve used to find work; in fact, about half of the jobs I’ve gotten have come from Facebook. Linkedin is also a good place to be. But, personally, I would suggest you to stick to one, join relevant groups that relate to what you do, and be active in the group.

You may attract rich clientele who will engage you if you accomplish this.

When working as a freelancer, aim to establish personal relationships.

I do this a lot, and I want you to do the same when you eventually acquire your freelancing job: make every client that hires you a buddy.

After a successful delivery, I collect their digit and receive additional jobs from them.