9 Ways To Earn As A Student

It’s 2021, and it’s clear that learning computer skills has never been more crucial. According to a wise man, job market security is more vital than job security. That is, learning the most in-demand talents that will keep you relevant in the work market for years is a must. Web development is one of those skills.

During the Covid-19 outbreak, we all saw how big companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Microsoft kept their employees and continued to operate remotely. Some of these employees work as web developers. This cannot be stated of every employment because some firms have ceased operations and have had to lay off certain employees who are unable to work remotely. There is ample evidence to suggest that web developers have a highly secure work market.

Many people ask themselves, “How do I become a web developer?” A bachelor’s degree in computer science is no longer considered necessary to become a web developer. Although it is significant, it is not decisive. This means that anyone, regardless of their subject of study, can become a web developer.

As a web developer, you can work full-time, either onsite or remotely, freelance, be an instructor, build SaaS (Software as a Service), write, and so on. It is currently one of the most in-demand vocations in the world.

There are two elements to web development. Both the front end and the back end are involved.

The frontend, often known as the client-side, is the area of a website that visitors can see and interact with. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three fundamental abilities required for front-end development. You can also use frontend libraries like as React (a framework built and maintained by Facebook), Angular, Svelte, Vue, Gatsby, and others. I won’t go into specifics to avoid deviating from the basic point.


The backend, often known as the server-side, is in charge of the website’s logic. It manages the components that allow the website’s front end to work. Python, java,.Net, Ruby, kotlin, golang, scala, rust, pearl, PHP, and more popular backend development tools are listed here.

Without further ado, let me walk you through how to learn web programming with Python and Django. Python was ranked third among web development languages in a 2021 stack overflow survey, trailing only JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Python was also named the most desired language for the fifth consecutive year.

Python also easily interfaces with other programming languages such as Java (through Jython), Ruby (with the RubyPython application), and C (via CPython). This allows developers to connect to and build around previously necessary web application structures.

Python stands out from other languages due to its readability, efficiency, and ease of learning. Django, Flask, web2py, TurboGears, cherrypy, FastAPI,, and other web frameworks are available in Python. Django is often recognized as the most popular Python web framework for the following reasons:


It has a welcoming and diverse development community. As a result, its users have constant access to a plethora of packages for their work. Django REST framework for constructing APIs and its CMS for managing website content are two examples.

Django is designed to safeguard developers’ projects from cyber-attacks such as cross-site scripting forgeries and SQL injections.

Django is extremely adaptable and is interoperable with all major databases, including SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and AWS, among others.

Django Template Language (DTL), the built-in template system in Django, is quite useful. It makes it extremely simple to create reusable components that adhere to Django’s basic template concepts of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). It makes it incredibly simple to reuse components like as a page’s navigation bar, header, and footer. Other template engines, such as jinja2, are also supported.

Django is also regarded as the web framework for perfectionists and developers working under time constraints. One of the most significant benefits of knowing Python is the ability to use Django. Many operations, including as form validation, authentication and user-login, handling sessions, routing, SMTP, and so on, are simplified by the framework, allowing a developer to focus on the user interface. Many notable firms, including the New York Times, The Guardian, Pinterest, Instagram, Dropbox, Netflix, Uber, Spotify, Reddit, and others, were founded with Django.

There are numerous resources available to help you learn Django. Reading the Django manual is a comprehensive method to get started. It includes everything needed to get started with the framework. While some newcomers may find it intimidating, we offer a number of online resources for you. There are various YouTube channels by prominent online educators like Dennis Ivanov, Corey Schafer, Mosh Hamedani, Brad Traversy, and others that may assist simplify the learning process while also allowing you to construct fantastic projects along the way!


I also recommend the following five online courses:

On Udemy, you may learn Python Django Dev To Deployment. Here’s the link:

On Udemy, you may find Django with Python: Complete Bundle plus Django real projects 2021. Click here:

Pluralsight’s Django: Getting Started course. Here’s the link:

CS%0’s Python and JavaScript web programming course on edX. Here’s the link:

Udemy offers a full-stack web development training camp in Python and Django. Here’s the link:


If you are still unsure about using Python and Django frameworks, I recommend reading the blog post again. The Bureau of Labour Statistics predicts a 15% increase in employment growth for web developers between 2016 and 2026. That reminds me that according to a stack overflow 2020 study, the average income of a Python coder in the UK is $102,521 whereas it is $143,417 in the US. These are excellent figures, demonstrating that learning Python is a significant step towards financial independence.